Certain life events seem to coincide, such as having a baby and moving house. I recently visited a couple and the 4 day old baby and they were actually moving house the next day. Another big event that happens quite …

Lactation Consultant Home Visits in South Dublin
Certain life events seem to coincide, such as having a baby and moving house. I recently visited a couple and the 4 day old baby and they were actually moving house the next day. Another big event that happens quite …
Sometimes babies struggle to breastfeed efficiently. It’s not that they don’t want to or that they have a preference for some other feeding method – it’s that they can’t, or least can’t do so comfortably. This may be due to structural …
Parenting is not something we’re meant to do in isolation. We do it (or at least we are meant to) in the context of extended family, community and society, with various people and organisations supporting us in our parenting and …
Shortly after I started in private practice as a lactation consultant, I got into conversation with someone who was considering going into private practice herself. She seemed hesitant about making the leap, so I offered some encouragement, to which she …
When I started out in Private Practice at the beginning of this year, I couldn’t have foreseen what was coming. I was, I admit, a little naive, ‘breastfeeding probems? yes, I can help, I’m an IBCLC!……there’s breastfeeding solution to every …