A typical breastfeeding consultation lasts for for one and half to two hours and takes place in  your home or at my office above Fiacla Dentist, 3 Landscape Road, Churchtown, Dublin 14. During this time I will chat to you about the challenges or concerns you have about breastfeeding and what your breastfeeding goals are. I will also take a detailed history that will help me to determine how best to help you. This history will include your medical history, any previous breastfeeding experience, your pregnancy, and the birth of your baby.

I will do a thorough feeding assessment and assess your baby’s oral anatomy and sucking skills. I will help you with latch and comfortable positioning, and talk to you about possible causes for the issues you are having. I will suggest solutions and we will work together to come up with a care plan that is going to suit you and your baby and help you achieve your breastfeeding goals.

There is almost always a breastfeeding solution to a breastfeeding problem! And breastfeeding doesn’t always have to mean ‘exclusive breastfeeding’, it’s not all or nothing – for some mothers it might be exclusive pumping, use of a nursing supplementer at the breast or supplementation with infant formula. Every mother-baby dyad is unique. I aim to help you decide what you want and how to get there.


At my office at 3 Landscape Road, Churchtown:

  • Full initial consultation (100 minutes) €155
  • Antenatal Consultation (90 minutes) €140
  • 1-Hour Follow-up Consultation €90

Payment: I accept cash, card, Revolut or online payments.

Prices include follow up support over email and phone for approximately 2 weeks.

Before the Consultation: Please try not to feed your baby in the two hours prior to your consultation, as I will want to observe your baby feeding when I am with you.

Please Note: Most health insurance companies provide some reimbursement for two IBCLC home visits.