When I was a teenager and young adult I imagined that I would eventually reach some arbitrary age (like 26) and just magically become a grown-up; ie someone who is ‘sorted’, emotionally mature, at peace with themselves, knows where they …

Mothers’ Accounts of Bringing their Babies for Bodywork
Very often when I see mother-infant dyads who are having significant breastfeeding challenges, I discover during the course of the consultation that they have had a difficult pregnancy and/or birth experience and that the baby has some structural issues which …
The Pros and Cons of IBCLC Private Practice
A couple of years ago at the Association of Lactation Consultants of Ireland annual conference, one of my IBCLC colleagues, Sue Jameson, facilitated a very good workshop on the pros and cons of working in private practice as a lactation …
A Breastfeeding Solution for Every Breastfeeding Problem??
“There is a breastfeeding solution for every breastfeeding problem.” I don’t know where this phrase originated (perhaps Nancy Mohrbacher?) but it seems to have established itself in our collective consciousness over the last number of years. When I first entered …
The Stuff we Don’t Talk About
Sometimes I find that day-to-day, doing the school run, shopping, taking kids to gymnastics, rugby and various other activities, I’m on autopilot. Going through the motions, smiling, nodding, functioning as I should do, but inside I’m all angsty and full …